Endura Roses USA

Naturally preserved, everlasting roses that last a lifetime
Elegance Eternal, Across Continents | British Grace, American Flair
Loved in Europe, Born in Britain - Introducing Endura’s Pioneering Legacy to the U.S.

a piece of the universe, eternally yours

Shine like the whole universe is yours

LOve Above Collection
For centuries, the classic testament of love tells the tale of reaching up into the night sky and bringing back the stars for your loved one. A love so immeasurable, that only an offering from the galaxy above does justice to such a bond. For an immeasurable love, this gift speaks a thousand words, serving as a guiding light, and a comforting expression that there is a piece of them in the universe forever.

Immeasurable Love

An offering from the galaxy

Home to thousands of beautiful stars, our Solar System holds infinite wonders that we look to for solace, inspiration, and peace. No longer will you ever feel the vast distance between us and the stars. Endura have made it possible to bring the stars to you.

For lovers' souls forever entwined
Capturing the very essence and beauty of the night sky

Charming symbol of love

To the the cosmos and beyond

Capture the marveling spectable of seeing a shooting star soar across the sky with this beautiful gift. The mystifying elegance that a mesmerising diamond dusted sapphire blue rose holds offers the wonder of a lustrous blanket of stars, featuring a stunning glimmer of a crystal in it’s centre framed with a stunning array of delicate foliage in one beautiful display.

To the moon and back

Name a visible star in the night sky and
receive a certificate as part of this amazing gift

Endura’s Love Above allow you to name a star after the special person in your life, truly encapsulating the sentiment that love can reach the moon and back. With this divinely symbolic gesture, wherever they are in the world, they will only ever need to look up to the sky to be eternally reminded of you.

Capture the bond that keeps you forever pulled to a loved one in your life

What is included

The grandest gesture of an eternal love

Naming a star as a gift for a beloved person is not only a great gift but also a gift that lasts forever.

These beautiful arrangements includes:

  • a star certificate,
  • a booklet about the galaxy,
  • a diamond dust certificate, and;
  • a unique code to access the app to find your named star