Gaze upon these enchanting dried roses, forever frozen in a dance of allure and grace. This preserved flower arrangement is a true masterpiece of romance, capturing two Duchess roses in a tender, everlasting embrace. Encased in glass and nestled amidst soft moss, Sweet Pea is a symbol of love that endures through time, just as true love does. It’s more than a centerpiece; it’s a reflection of enduring affection, perfect for those who see their own love story mirrored in this deeply emotional and romantic floral display.
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- Endura Collections
- Crown, The Hatbox CollectionA Royal Legacy in Every Petal
- BelleEternal rose arrangements influenced by a tale as old as time
- Nature's SymphonyRepresenting every season, relationship and emotion we may ever encounter.
- SentimentsAn emotional fusion of art and nature
- MesmericInnovative and unique vessels showcasing exquisite and naturally enhanced roses
- LucidBountiful eternal roses exuding devotion and affection
- Endura GardenSerenity in nature
- AccessoriesAdoring keepsakes and embellishments
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- Endura Collections
Crown Hatboxes
This arrangement is more than just a floral display; it's a regal treasure, capturing the essence of royal gardens and transforming it into a golden spectacle of beauty and elegance.
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Nature's Symphony
A beautiful display of the sheer liveliness with Endura Preserved Roses That Last A Year & Everlasting Rose and high-spirited nature of every season.
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- Crown, The Hatbox CollectionA Royal Legacy in Every Petal
- Love AboveTo the moon and back
- Nature’s SymphonyA little piece of nature to call your own
- SentimentsTelling your own story
- Magnificent PalaisIntricate creations that are inspired by grand palaces
- Endura GardenCapture the wilderness
- Endura ForestBringing new life to the most stylish of interiors
- For every occasion
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Heart-warming gifts that tells a story and allows you to mirror and interpret your own path traveled.
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